My preacher said something this past Sunday that really stuck out to me.
"God hates divorce, but he doesn't hate the people who are divorced"
So, I've been thinking about that today. I hate divorce as well. I think it destroys families and ruins lives'. I have a hard time separating the action and the person though. So grateful that God doesn't.
As I was thinking about how God hates divorce, but not people, I started to think about the other things that God hates. Doesn't God hate all sin? If he hated people who sinned, there would be NO ONE for him to Love. Obviously, God loves us. He sent his Son to die for our sins. Why? Because sin separates us from God. He still loves his people, just not the sin in our lives.
Aren't we called to love like Christ loves? Sometimes it is very hard for me to love people who have committed "big" sins. Sins like divorce, drunkenness, homosexuality, adultery, murder, etc. But, what I have realized is that I have to separate the person from their sin. I have to love the person, even if I don't love what they have done.
Why? Well, because God said so. Also, because I am a sinner, but I still want people to love me. I want people to be able to see past my sin and see my heart and that I try to live a life that reflects the love of Christ. Unfortunately, I am not perfect. Doesn't everyone else deserve what I long for?
Is there anyone that is hard for you to love? Homosexuals? Alcoholics? Cheaters? What about your sin?
Love is hard. God didn't promise us that it would be easy. He does command that we love others as we love ourselves. He doesn't put any qualifiers on love. Just to love.