My little princess is 11 months old.
Suddenly she looks like a little girl. She walks. She talks. She has a ponytail. She knows who her daddy is. She throws fits. She eats table food. She is not breastfeeding anymore. She has an opinion. She loves babies. She wears 12-18 mo clothing. She can pick up "heavy" toys and carry them. She says thank you when I give her something, without prompting. She loves (more like is obsessed with) Elmo. She is content to play by herself. She has friends. She drinks cow's milk. She wears size 4 shoes. She is a big girl now.
Her personality is coming out more and more and I love to be the one that sees it first. What a blessing it is to be this girls mother. I still don't have words to describe it.
My favorite part is seeing her with her daddy. The older she gets, the better it gets. She loves him. She asks for him. She misses him when he is gone. I love that.
Never in my life did I expect motherhood to be this good...and I expected it to be good.