Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'll get to it later...I want it NOW!

Okay, so I've always been a procrastinator, but not this bad...EVER! I have a bad case of senioritis. I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with my reading, homework, etc., but this semester has been terrible. All I can think about is graduating...which is normal for seniors...right? Well, I'm definitely ready, but what next. I thought I was going to PA school, but now I'm looking into nursing. First, I want to get a "real" job, so I can work on paying off debt. There are so many things to think about and I think my solution is to put everything off until tomorrow.On top of all that, my husband, Scott, wants a new job so that he can be more involved in building community & finding his "ministry". I feel like I'm in this dark hallway and the light is right there at the end, not even two feet away, but no matter how much I try to move forward I can't get there. I know it will come soon enough (in God's time), but I am a selfish, impatient, human, and I want it NOW! I know this is wrong, but right now this is how I feel. I am working on being more patient with God, and taking life one day at a time.

P.S. I need a new title for my blog page...any ideas?

1 comment:

brett tilford said...

I know the feeling all too well! The only advice I would have is from the movie Finding Nemo. "Keep swimming. Keep swimming. Keep swimming. Keep swimming!"
I think a good blog title would be "Nursing and other life challenges." It would be sort of a double meaning, because at first people would be like "What THE?!?! Is this a young mother's blog!?! Gross!" but then after reading they would find out "Oh She wants to be an actual nurse." Then they would really respect you.