Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In the beginning...

I decided recently that I wanted to record my life story in some way. It's a pretty awesome story. Not b/c I'm awesome, but b/c GOD IS AWESOME! So, I decided my blog would be a nice place to store this story. It will take several posts, but eventually it will be out there for all the world to see!

Here it goes...

I'd like to say it all started with a man and a woman that fell madly in love got married and had two beautiful little girls, but that's not true. It really began with a man and a teenage girl. No love. Just lust.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that God decided to bring me into this world, but it wasn't this picture perfect first.

My birth mom had me when she was 17. Shortly after, she became depressed, dropped out of school, and started drinking and doing drugs. Both of my birth parents dove deep into this lifestyle.

Miracle #1: This is just a story. Obviously not a memory. When I was 9 months old, my maternal grandfather was drunk and abusive. He decided it would be fun to drop a baby on her head. He dropped me onto a brick fireplace hearth. Broke my skull and put me in the hospital for a few days. No brain damage, although some might argue otherwise. God had a better plan for me.

I don't really remember a lot in those times so I will skip ahead 3.75 years. Welcome baby girl #2. Deeper into drugs and alcohol. No home. On the streets. Begging for money to buy drugs and alcohol. Using two little girls as leverage. Disgusting.

Thank you CPS for stepping in and protecting two innocent little girls. CPS gets a bad rap for things that happen in the foster care system. Let me just say, no government agency is perfect. It's not possible b/c humans are not perfect, but CPS caseworkers have a hard job. HARD. I know they do their best and I am forever grateful for what they do.

On to foster care for nearly two years....

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