Sunday, January 18, 2009

The one with the nap

I am just about to lay down and take a nap...a Sunday afternoon nap, and I was just thinking about being a little kid. See, when I was little my parents would bring us home after church and we were forced to go upstairs to our rooms and lay down to take a nap...even though we were never tired. We had a nap in the car for pete's sake. Anyway, I HATED taking a nap on Sundays. Mostly I think I just didn't like being told I had to take a nap. Here I am an adult who LOVES my Sunday naps...I mean LOVES. It's so weird that when we are kids we hate the things that are so much easier when we are kids. I hardly ever have time to take a nap...or at least I have other things I should be doing, but when I was a kid I had plenty of time to take naps. If only I had appreciated it more then. Why can't we appreciate things when we have them. Why is that it has to be taken away before we can appreciate it??? Stupid.


kat said...

i love naps. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh the Sunday nap. How beautiful. And I was the same as a kid. We didn't have to take a nap, but my parents always did, so we had to be quiet (which clearly meant there was nothing to do). I used to hate Sundays. Church was boring and then all afternoon when we had time to play and enjoy not being in school, we had to be quiet. What is that?